16 September 2022

The Vietnamese Economic Miracle

Vietnam is an exciting – and underappreciated – emerging markets investment opportunity, with an economic transformation reminiscent of China and driven by export growth, infrastructure and technology investment and increasing consumption.

7 September 2022

Livewire:Three sectors to watch as China battles its “perfect storm”

In this Livewire article, Dr Joseph Lai weighs in on the opportunities and challenges relating to the Chinese economy.

29 August 2022

Livewire Expert Insights: The Expert’s Guide to Investing in China

Dr Joseph Lai takes a deep dive into the Chinese economy, from how to invest in Chinese assets to navigating the complex regulatory environment.

22 August 2022

Livewire Expert Insights: Is It Time to Deploy Cash Into Emerging Markets?

Dr Joseph Lai discusses his three core investing principles and shares which emerging economies are looking attractive.

9 August 2022

Livewire Expert Insights: Are We at the Turning Point for Emerging Market Equities?

Dr Joseph Lai explains why he’s optimistic about emerging markets despite the macro headwinds still in play.

21 July 2022

Unpacking the Investment Opportunities in the Changing Asian Supply Chain

Vietnam, Indonesia and India are grasping the opportunity to become the factories of the world, reminiscent of the Chinese development story 20 years ago. We take a look at the investment opportunities arising from this shifting supply chain dynamic.

3 June 2022

INBrief with Joseph Lai

Dr. Lai spoke to The Inside Network about the opportunity set in emerging markets.

Inside Network
31 May 2022

‘Anomalous’ Short-Term Underperformance of EM Set to Reverse

The Inside Network provide a summary of Dr. Joseph Lai’s presentation at this year’s Equities and Growth Symposium.

Liquidity shocks
25 March 2022

Profiting From Liquidity Shocks in Equity Markets

Liquidity shocks in equity markets can present powerful buying opportunities, as demonstrated by the recent Hong Kong Stock Exchange price action.

Livewire Fund in Focus
23 March 2022

Livewire Fund in Focus

Dr Joseph Lai explains how OxCap find mispriced opportunities in Asia and beyond in this Fund in Focus video.